Vieskan Elementin myyntijohtaja Tomi Poutiainen

Vieskan Elementti 2025 – Growth continues despite challenges

In the video, Vieskan Elementti’s Sales Director Tomi Poutiainen explains how the construction industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, and Vieskan Elementti has been no exception. The years 2023 and 2024 required the company to adapt and refine its core business operations.

“These years have been very challenging for the construction industry. For us as well. We have had to adapt, carefully consider who we serve and what we offer. But we have made it through,” Poutiainen summarizes.

“It wasn’t easy, just as it hasn’t been for anyone else in the industry. But we succeeded. A good example of this is our involvement in school projects, our partnerships with both large and small construction companies, and our services in the agricultural and industrial sectors.”

Growth Direction for 2025

In 2025, Vieskan Elementti is moving forward with a development-driven mindset and ambitious growth targets. One of the most significant steps is expanding into the Swedish market. Additionally, the company has broadened its product range to include roof elements, strengthening its position in both the Finnish and Nordic markets.

“We are building our future for 2025 on these key pillars. Our plan is to expand our exports to Sweden and grow our product portfolio with roof elements. Through this, we aim to further solidify our presence in both Finland and the entire Nordic region,” Poutiainen explains.

Competition in the construction industry is fierce, but Vieskan Elementti has held its ground. “There is always room for improvement. That’s why we are determined to make 2025 our strongest year yet. We hope you will join us on this journey – because we certainly will,” Poutiainen concludes.

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